Meet Laura

Laura has had a passion for fashion since elementary school and won many school design contests with her gown designs over the years. Her background was art and even with many art gallery awards she did not pursue art itself as a final career path. Currently, Laura is pursuing a Medical Degree in Geriatric Psychiatry aside the business and family.

After a sudden move back to Florida in 2010, Laura decided that it was time to make her dreams a reality. Remembering how everyone loved the cheer bows she had volunteered to make for her daughters cheer squad in Tennessee, she started making bows again and sold them online. Bridal items were added and the business, BowPosh grew from there. After 3 years, it was time to take the fashion industry a bit more seriously so she added her name brand and began making more elaborate and couture pieces including Avant Garde pieces for the daring brides.

The Laura C Cole brand along with its subsidiaries have been know for their cornucopia styles, from casual accessories to bridal and more.

The company also houses the brand known as BowPosh, a division that focuses on children's accessories and baby photo props. BowPosh was the original name of the company which launched in July of 2011.





Custom goth wedding veil modeled by Laura

Custom goth wedding veil modeled by Laura

I think it started when I won a coloring contest when I was 5. I was so excited to win a stuffed teddy bear from the mall but I got to choose which one. It gave me that boost that I was good at something.
— Laura C Cole

When you can’t stop thinking about a certain subject or topic; you will know it is your calling. When you awake each morning, it will be there and when you close your eyes at night, it will be there. You can’t escape it. You won’t want to. For me it is fashion.
— Laura C Cole